It is the center of company business management system; it includes many sub-unites.
Starting from this sub the company introduce its name, company accounts and all information about it.
Chart of Accounts:
It is present accounts name of chart, which is recommended by company to manage all its journals, also you can edit it based on your needs and your legal requirements. chart of account refers to inputs of classification method in accounting.
Fiscal Year:
It is used for processing records regarding to the year and report it.
Journal Entry:
Input of Journal Entry is being input in General Ledger it refers to affected accounts, it can determine debit and credit accounts.
General Ledger:
It is presenting report for accounts, account details regarding to debit and credit for account, balance, number and type of coupon, another aspect. also, there is one for client and the other for Supplier.
List of all currency you are use, most of popular used currency is exist in this field,
Fetch exchange rates automatically according to the current market rate.
Bank Account:
Define all banks accounts that used in company dealings, also there is tool for bank settlement to match the system account statement with your bank statement.
Chart of Cost Centers:
It is Part of the company, able to upload costs and income, your chart of accounts designed basically to provide reports, determine budget, without skip any cost center.
Integrated to Saudi’s Taxes.
In this sub-unite regard to private reports for unit, the most important of them is:
– Trial Balance for Party
– Payment Period Based on Invoice Date
– Sales Partners Commission
– Customer Credit Balance
– Sales Payment Summary
– Gross Profit
– Profitability Analysis
– Sales Invoice Trends
– Purchase Invoice Trends